Crisis - 9-8-8 (call or text) or 9-1-1 Site web francophone en cours
Crisis - 9-8-8 (call or text) or 9-1-1 Site web francophone en cours
Our interdisciplinary team collaborates seamlessly within our clinic environment and interfaces effectively with your current providers. This approach ensures optimal communication channels and eliminates redundancy in services, thus enhancing the efficiency of care delivery.
Autism, ADHD, processing disorders, various learning challenges, Tourette’s, and more.
Every brain works differently - we aim to provide a neuro-diverse affirming environment.
Affirming care refers to providing support and services that validate and respect an individual's identity, experiences, and self-expression. It focuses on creating an inclusive and supportive environment that promotes the well-being and dignity of every person.
Fill out the secure intake form online or call the clinic to complete it on the phone.
We also accept professional referrals by secure form on the website or by fax.
Our intake team will review the intake form and create a Jane App profile.
Be on the lookout for an email inviting you to complete the registration and consent forms.
Based on the information provided you will be matched with a clinician or clinicians and ready for a first appointment.
Complex cases or clients that are unsure what service(s) would best meet their needs may require a 30-minute navigation appointment with a highly trained intake worker.
Attend your visits in person or virtual and experience growth!
Booking future appointments can be done with your clinician or online at any time using our convenient booking system.
Dimensions Centre Inc.
309 LEGGET DR, Suite 102, KANATA, ON K2K 3A3
office (613) 592-3344 ~ fax (866) 793-7165